Hi, i was trying to install an emulator to play maplestory M on my macbook pro, and i'm having quite a bit of trouble getting them to work (i've been at it for the past 5 hours and it's been agony) I've tried bluestacks, memu, nox, andy, and they all don't seem to work on my computer. Bluestacks showed the most promise, and i was able to download the application and get all the way until the start page, but that's when it gives me the pop-up about pre-registering and tells me that the game is only available in Australia, NZ, canada etc. I live in one of those countries so it shouldn't be a problem getting the app to work, but I don't know why it isn't working out! Tried turning on location settings to high, tried using a VPN app, and no results. If you've managed to get an emulator on Mac os, and it works for maplestory M, that would be really helpful to know!!
Thanks:). Try installing nox emulator again and follow these steps:. Click on the setting icon and have your emulator rooted. Install Xposed and activate the framework( you’ll have to do some research on this). Install msm and go to the module section of Xposed then check the box.
Maple is the ultimate productivity tool for solving mathematical problems and creating interactive technical applications. Intuitive and easy to use, it delivers the most advanced, complete, reliable mathematical capabilities that can only come from a market-leading tool that has been developed and tested over 25 years. Note: In Maple 2018, context-sensitive menus were incorporated into the new Maple Context Panel, located on the right side of the Maple window. If you are using Maple 2018, instead of right-clicking to bring up a menu, as shown in this video, you will find the operations you need in the Context Panel. Since a few weeks i use Mac OS X, I downloaded the accordingly maple version from my campus server and installed it. I can start the program, but when I enter a simple instruction like plotting x^2, I get a little progress window with the headline 'Kernel Connection Not Available', in the window there is: 'Waiting for kernel connection' with a status bar and a Cancel-Button.
Download maplestory m from google play store or get the apk file from any website. Open up maplestory m Or you could take the easy route install any region changer apk and see if it works for you. (Didn't work for me).
. Stay connected to the Internet so you can activate your license immediately after installing Maple. When the Maple installer opens, double-click the file PurchaseCodesFY17-18.txt in order to view the Purchase Code. Double-click the installer. Follow the usual installation steps, except as noted below:.
Choose Single User License when prompted. Enter the Purchase Code contained in the PurchaseCodesFY17-18.txt file that you opened earlier, and select No. Enter all requested information in the required registration fields (identified in red and with an asterisk.).