After viewing every Marvel One Shot movie this one I have to say that Marvel One Shot: Agent Carter is my favorite one. It features Hayley Atwell reprising her role as Peggy Carter in her first solo film. This is a short movie that comes with the Blu ray edition of Iron Man 3. The plot for this film is simple but works of Peggy as we see her grow as far as a character goes Now the writing for this one is very good and so fun one-liners.
The music in the film is really well done it gives you that feel of danger, decision, and surprise for a short film. The acting very well done with the best performance going to Hayley who is just right for the role of Agent Carter she just knows how to make the character The plot for this short film is smart, clever and goes to show the best man for the job is a woman and there is turns of unexpected you don't see coming. The film just knows how to hold your attention which is why I suggest giving this one a try I give Marvel One Shot: Agent Carter an 10 out of 10.
The first Iron Man movie changed the way comic book adaptions were made. It (for better or worse) began the 'Marvel Cinematic Universe' that climaxed with The Avengers. This is the first marvel movie to be released after The Avengers, and in many ways it proves that the series is still going strong, however, it is far from perfect. ACTING: 8/10 The acting from the main cast members is great. Robert Downey Jr. Continues to be the perfect Iron Man, I just can't imagine a better suited actor.
His comedic timing is perfect, and he allows Tony Stark to be lovable while being a total jerk. Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle don't get a ton of screen time, however, they are wonderful when they do. Ben Kingsley, Guy Pearce, and Rebecca Hall are all fantastic and underused. The rest of the cast is perfectly adequate, however, there seems to be a theme of casting great talents and completely under using them. WRITING: 3/10 This is the biggest failure of the movie.
The comedy works well (partially thanks to Robert Downey Jr.) and the action scenes are good, however the plot hidden behind the popcorn fun is plain awful. I have never really liked movies that deal with 'super soldiers' and 'protecting the president,' and this movie deals with both badly. The technology written into the series continues to become more and more ridiculous. And the twist is both easy to predict and manages to reduce the main villains role to nothing.
Finally, the scene after the credits is a bit of a let down as it gives no hint towards the direction of the series. DESIGN: 6/10 The design is just as good as previous films in the series, which is to say that it fits somewhere between satisfactory and slightly above average. The tech looks great despite its lack of plausibility, and the wardrobe and sets fit the overall tone of the movie. EFFECTS: 10/10 The CGI is near perfect in this film, and there is a ton of it. There are scenes where Iron Man's suit magnetically attaches to Tony in separate pieces and it looks totally convincing. The explosions and impossible technology looks great too.
MUSIC: 4/10 The soundtrack in this movie is awful. Hans Zimmer has inspired many with his booming and electronic score for Inception and the Batman franchise. This concept has been replicated a hundred times since those movies, and in lesser hands it is nothing but a loud mess.
This is the case with Iron Man 3. The score is loud and booming, and completely forgettable, dull and repetitive. VERDICT: This movie is mindless, unimpressive, forgettable, action packed.
And thoroughly enjoyable. It is a great summer blockbuster popcorn movie that will leave your mind as soon as you leave the theater. That being said, if you liked The Avengers and Iron Man 2, you will likely enjoy this movie as well. Overall, I give it a 6.2/10. I would have gone into detail and actually clicked on spoiler but there is no need. Looks like at least 100 people did that already tonight.
So I am just going to hit the high notes and the low notes and call it a night. The good It was an OK movie. Not great, not good. But I got to see explosions and hear one liners.
Pretty good acting by the major players. Kingsly particularly was great with what they gave him.
Stay for the ending credits for a small laugh The bad This script sucks They completely retcon'd a major villain and a major organization. Screwing them up for any future marvel movie.
Seriously screwed the pooch on that. This was a Tony Stark story, not an Iron Man Story It appears that Tony must have got some shield training because now the rich guy that only knows how to blast people and tackle people acts more like a cross between Macguyver and Hawkeye then Iron Man. They screw up several major plot points from the first two movies such as why Tony has a superconductor in his chest to begin with and the weapon systems war-machine uses.
Finally, Where the hell is Nick Fury. Iron man does not need to have Nick Fury in his movies. Except when that movie basically deals with domestic terrorism on a massive front. If you see this movie you will see a part specifically where iron man calls out a major bad guy in the press and says bring it on I will be here.
In the marvel universe there is no way in hell something that public would not have shield all over it. Especially since Tony Stark basically builds their cool stuff. Please save your money and don't watch this film.
The plot is all over the place you seen Tony having anxiety attacks then ping it magically!? The mandarin is not true to the comics, in fact its miles from it.
No ten power rings in fact no explanation of how they came about his powers at all i mean why change a comic book storyline and main villain the storyline is already there! Magically at the end Tony can get rid of the shrapnel in his heart, and ceases to be ironman, genius idea.not! If that was the case why didn't he have the surgery at the end of first ironman, secondly what the hell are you going to do with avengers two now!? The ending with Pepper Potts i'm sure was to just keep all feminists happy! I could go on with the flaws in this film.but ill put it simply like this for the first time in ages i walked out of the cinema angry at film so thanks for ruining the trilogy Shane Black! May we never see you near a comic/graphic novel adaptation again! This is my first review and I'm writing it because the critics are all praising this film so much.
Let me tell you, if you like Iron Man in any way and/or are familiar with the mythology, do not pay to watch this film. This is a poor excuse of a plot that outright spits in the face of fans and destroys one of Marvel's most powerful villains. Seriously, the Mandarin is Tony Stark's antithesis; their conflict was always the symbol for magic vs. Like Joker's insanity contradicts Batman's great use of logic. In Iron Man 3 they ruined him so bad only a reboot could save the character (and believe me, I hate reboots as much as everyone). The Mandarin is now used as a joke character with the main twist just playing for laughs (or in my case, tears).
This guy should have ten powerful magical rings that alone could rival the Avengers' powers combined. Was this 'adaptation' really the best thing to do? Magic CAN be done on the big screen, they've done Norse Gods! Ten Rings are nothing compared to that. Other than that, the film still wouldn't be good. Shane Black writes comedy action films, only this time the comedy is much more cringe worthy and not really funny, and the action probably sums up about 20% of the film.
The main plot-device for armor malfunctions, power-downs and or stupid failures is so overused I was wondering how could they ever fill up 120 minutes without it. The actual Iron Man suit is so underused that you'll think this is Bourne or Bond you're watching. Also noteworthy: If a film relies on poop jokes for a quick laugh, it got as low as it'll ever get. Also, I must say Rhodes (War Machine) needs a plot arc. I love Don's work in the role and think he's charismatic (as are RDJ and Gwyneth), but he needs to have some kind of a story. Other new characters' besides the Mandarin are really hit and miss. This series' villains really have become one-note.
We all know the bad guy is the one wearing the fancy suit that wants corporate power and tries to take over. Special mention goes to Maya, that one person who changes her mind all the time and leaves the film never having stepped in in the first place. Wait, I'm not done yet. There's also a kid 'side-kick' and you guessed it. He's in an hostage scene! Well, that's some good innovative writing right there! All in all, this is as bad or even worse than X-Men: The Last Stand.
Beware of the actual ending that retcons everything about Tony's back-story. I don't know how Marvel green-lighted this script, I really don't! I know any fan could have done it much better! First of all, I would like to say that I have been an IMDb user for 4 years and 4 months now and this is going to be my first movie review, which makes me kind of sad because it is not going to be a very positive one. This movie starts off with a very good promise, a promise also given to us in the trailer. It was supposed to introduce Iron Man's toughest villain 'The Mandarin', show us the state our world was left in after the events in 'The Avengers' and develop the Iron Man characters, that we've come to love so very much, even further.
Instead Shane Black and Drew Pierce decided to make a ridicule of the true Mandarin character from the comic book and gave us an uninteresting villain, almost altogether ignored the consequences of the Avengers movie (that should be an important issue at this point) except for some hinted psychological issues Tony has, that weren't developed at all just like all of the side characters that seemed to exist just because they were there in the prequels. But the biggest issue were the so obvious plot holes that defy all the logic set up by the prequels and 'The Avengers' which leads me to believe that the writer/director Shane Black and co-writer Drew Pierce didn't even see the afore mentioned movies before writing the script for 'Iron Man 3'.
How can these 'enemies' melt the Iron man suit if Thor couldn't even scratch it with lightning which achieves much higher temperatures; how can the same people rip off parts of the Iron man suit if Thor barely dented it with his mighty hammer 'Mjolnir', ergo Thor is just a giant pus.; if it was so easy for Tony Stark to remove the shards from his blood stream why didn't he do it in the second Iron man movie when he was facing immediate and painful death from the exposure to palladium radiation, and so on. As far as the acting goes, it was good but nothing spectacular. The script wasn't very good. There were some funny one liners but by the end of the movie there were so many of them it just left a bad taste. The action and the special effects were fine but didn't serve much purpose since the storyline was so illogical and uninteresting. So in conclusion, this movie would be good if it were a stand alone SF movie, but since it is connected to all the marvel universe movies that came before it it simply isn't. It would seem that Shane Black and his crew couldn't find a way to deliver the promise given to us by the creators of the afore mentioned marvel films.
So if you must see this movie wait for the blue-ray because in my opinion it isn't worth the price of admission. I give it a 4 out of 10 stars only out of respect for such great actors as Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pearce, Don Cheadle, Ben Kingsley and so on, which could have made it such a great movie with the right script in hand and the right director in the coaching seat.